I received some good news from Commodore computers user's magazine from Poland, K&A plus.
The double game tape including not only one but two Commodore 64 games: Fire Breath by Erik Hooijmeijer and my very own Little Knight Arthur is coming in December: http://ka-plus.pl/en/upcoming/

Here's the good tidings also via Indie Retro News: http://www.indieretronews.com/2018/11/fire-breath-little-knight-arthur.html
It is heartwarming to see Little Knight Arthur getting a tape distribution after more than three decades! Take a look and consider ordering your own copy of the tape release while supplies last. This is a rare opportunity to get two original and revived Commodore 64 games from 26 and 32 years ago, to my knowledge never before available on physical media.
-- Pasi
PS. I also got hinted by K&A plus that a Deluxe Box edition of the tape with some extras that you sure will find tasty is being worked on! Following K&A Plus for more info.
PS2. The 2nd part of my two part series on putting Little Knight Arthur on a pocket size game console I built is still waiting the free day or two to prepare the videos... I have to say I have been tremendously busy professionally for the last six months developing a new version of one of the most popular news apps in Finland for iOS. I know, that is not a proper excuse but... Now looking forward to Christmas holidays to get the second part finished and out.